Monday, June 01, 2015

25 Reasons Why You Should Not Visit Indonesia

Do not quickly provoked dude! Keep scrolling till the end so you understand what I mean.

I’m an Indonesian, a little confused why there’s been so much bad news about my Indonesia. That my country is wrong destination and come here is totally pointless. I want to know what makes them think like that. If people think that just because they believe “what people say” or “like they say”, how poor they are. You need more references man, more!

So I wanna give you that more. Here’s 25 reasons “like they said” why you should not visit Indonesia. Is it enough to show you how exactly Indonesia is?

1. A lot of vehicles, traffic jam everywhere.
Is it belong to traffic jam?

2. Safety on the road not controlled in Indonesia
Traffic Police

3. The police. Money oriented than truly remind fault of the rider.
Safety Always First

4. Want to cross the road in Indonesia? Good luck and fighting.
Slowly Mam, Be carefull !!

5. There’s no safe public transport in Indonesia.
Kuala Namu Airport

6. Dirty and polluted air.
Try this. Bogor Summit

7. Even it’s hard to see the sunrise
Mark and Borobudur Temple

8. Prepare to meet Indonesian. They’re so arrogant and unfriendly.
Smiling together
9. If you need a help from Indonesian people, you should give them some money first. If  you don’t, you’ll get some shit.
Its Called Gotong Royong, A Piece of  Humanity

10. No one care with conditions around them
Pull a car that broke down

11. Garbage everywhere.
They Called Pasukan Kuning aka The Yellow Forces :D
keep the road and other places clean

12. Not appreciating their own culture.
Reog Ponorogo
13. Even use apparel of national heritage, they rejected.
Proud Be a Batik-Man

14. The nature of Indonesia isn’t beauty anymore.
Gili Trawangan in Lombok Island. Better come here before you die

15. Forest turn into wasteland. They’ve become a legend now.
Make sure your camera working when you in Kali Biru Forest in Jogja

16. Then put animals and let ‘em die in zoo.
Its Called Orang Utan

17. There’s no more beauty natural landscape you could see in Indonesia.
Kawah Ijen in Banyuwangi
18. Even to see green scenery, it’s doesn’t exist.
The Bali Hendara Kosaido

19. Don’t expect a cool music concerts here.
Jazz Music in Bromo

20. Indonesia’s food and beverage taste is weird.
Oh man, i feel hungry right now.

21. Not safe cause a lot of demo.
Carry on sir, its all under control
22. Plan to have a vacation on Saturday or Sunday? You’ll get traffic jam in your eyes and finally visit mall.
Tretes Treetop Adventure Park, Pasuruan

23. The weather is so hot.
Depend on You, Tropical Country, Right?

24. Easy to be bored in Indonesia. You do no interesting activities here.

25. Seriously, it will make you bored.
Rafting in Probolinggo
26. And a lot places that you should check out first. May be its start by some click on Youtube


I hope this article can explain to you how Indonesia actually. If you still don’t understand, this is a sarcastic article. My point is, don’t be easy trust something if it only based on “like they say”. Of course you need to recheck, more references will nicer.

I know that a little part of Indonesian people careless about the beauty of Indonesia. But it’s just a little, so where is the big one? They exist but you can see them. Why? Cause media prefer bring this little than the big. The little isn’t usual and because of that has a news value. I’m pretty sure that every country in the world has this little.

Hence, here I also remind Indonesian to more sensitive and keep our Indonesia beautiful like inherited by our ancestors before. Don’t letting destroyed and damaged which caused by our selfishness.

Thanks for reading. Sorry for my bad english, hehe. .
Any Questions? Just Comment and I'll reply

More 25 Reasons here
Other Here
Tourist story here

Source: here


  1. yang bikin blog ini goblok banget ya?. bukanya lu orang indonesia memberi tau yang baik2 tentang indonesia malah lu jelek2in. goblok lu, negara sendiri lu hina2.

    1. Masnya pasti belum baca langsung komen. Jadi klihatan banget asbun. Pasti blum tau istilah sarkastik.

  2. The first picture about the traffic jam is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Talk about which country is stealing from which country! A snapshot of this site has been made.

  3. Human rights violations anyone.
